Has hybrid working made your organization…
…less than coherent?
Organizations’ leadership often feel trapped in a loop under hybrid working: operational effectiveness suffers, but attempts to restore it typically result in increased attrition, for well understood reasons. At the same time, performance is impaired across the organization and its reputation suffers accordingly.
The transition to hybrid working is a hugely significant change and it needs to be managed as such. Valent’s approach begins with ‘organizational sensemaking’, in which the entire organization is consulted and involved. From this process, leadership gains two things: a detailed understanding of how hybrid working can be best managed, and buy-in from the workforce, appreciative at having been consulted.
Leadership then evolves the new norms, processes and systems – which will not be one-size-fits-all. When that is done, Valent helps design and implement a communications initiative for the whole organization that ensures both understanding and enthusiasm. The workforce comes to understand the organization’s strategy, goals and challenges, and to identify with them.
Clear communication and equal opportunities for all teams – but not one-size-fits-all – are vital to maintaining a cohesive work environment. Valent’s approach ‘squares the circle’, restoring operational effectiveness while fostering employee engagement and retention.
The Role of an Organization’s Culture
Maintaining a cohesive company culture also becomes more challenging in a hybrid setting. Extensive remote work can lead to a lack of camaraderie and decreased team cohesion, eroding the sense of belonging and commitment. That diminished connection to the organization may make employees vulnerable to recruiters with opportunities elsewhere. Again though, Valent’s help reinforces an organization’s culture and leverage it to restore retention while maintaining operational effectiveness.
Valent’s method operates virtually and in-person, it is consultative and it employs both time-proven techniques and fresh technology.
Please contact us to discuss.