The only constant is change.
– Heraclitus, ~500 B.C.E.

Every organization’s culture must evolve, to adapt to changing environments.
The larger the organization, the harder it is to change. At Enterprise scale, it’s a daunting challenge.
Effective culture change demands that enterprise leadership communicates clearly with the entire organization about its strategy, its aspirations and what it expects in terms of values, attitudes and behavior – towards the work, co-workers, and external stakeholder groups.
Any enterprise that fails to communicate those expectations effectively should not be surprised when its people fail to meet them.
Effective communication is neither easy, nor automatic: the enterprise’s people are busy full-time, doing their jobs.
Valent Communications partners with enterprises and their people, designing and installing comprehensive communications structures, campaigns and routines that bring everyone in the organization onto the same cultural page.
- We do it in ways that are minimally demanding on employees’ time, with maximum effectiveness.
- We do it using up-to-date but time-tested, ethical, transparent methods that everyone in the enterprise can support.